Sydney to Melbourne - Non stop with Drew and Pikey.

Sydney to Melbourne - Non stop with Drew and Pikey.

'Anyone want to do the Sydney Melbourne ride' was the call out from Drew Ginn by text message to a few of 'the guys'... two days later, he and Andrew Pike, aka Pikey, were sat on a plane with bikes and kit ready to hit the road. Last minute is not even a close to describing this one.


So, let's just get this clear, most of us would think about a longish ride from at least a few days out... I know when I've got a 200km or 250km ride on the horizon I'll be making sure I've got the lets in the few weeks leading up. Drew's call was for a 1050km....12,000m vert (yes, twelve thousand metres, that is not a typo) 39 hour non stop ride and within 3 days he and Pikey had started riding. 

I love this. I love the, yeah lets just do it. Not too much thought or planning. Put the call out, get a support car in place, line up Tour de Cure to get the fundraising going and it's on.


Glen O'Rouke and I caught up with Drew and Pikey a couple of days ago to talk about the experience, the good, the bad and the why. If this does not make you want to get out on your bike and push the limits, challenge yourself or do something a bit different I don't know what will.


Strava Route -

Tour de Cure -