The Weekly Rider - Alex Malone
Image - Marcus Enno

Image - Marcus Enno

Alex Malone is the La Velocita Weekly Rider! Alex has the dream job of Commercial Manager at Cyclist Australia/NZ magazine.

Always on the hunt for somewhere new to ride Alex loves nothing more than getting away for the weekend to ride and shoot Big Ride features.

Name: Alex Malone

Lives: Sydney

Dream bike: Would be some kind of custom creation with specific geometry. Aluminium frame, oversized head tube with carbon fork, thru-axle wheels, hydraulic disc brakes, 25mm tyres, internal cabling throughout and a raw finish. 

Image - Damian Breach

Image - Damian Breach

Favourite local ride: Afternoon Centennial Park chop on Tuesday and Thursday. You earn your dinner on those nights.

My current cycling goal is: Peaks Challenge Cradle Mountain

When I am on the bike I... constantly get asked if I’ve got a back injury.

Image - Damian Breach

How did your love for bikes come about: I get motion sickness on buses.

Share a cycling memory: If you ever get an opportunity to race in Iran, do it. The people are some of the warmest and friendly you’ll ever meet, the food is amazing and terrain is absolutely stunning. It also serves up some of the toughest racing I’ve encountered. Hair on your chest type stuff.

I love to ride because... I can arrive at my office – ready to create another cracking edition of Cyclist Magazine – and many of my colleagues have barely woken up.

I’ve already ridden a couple of hours, chewed the fat with some of my best mates and finished it off with some lattes. Name another sport where you can be that social before the sun has risen. More often than not riding my bike is my job. That’s something pretty special too.