The Weekly Rider - Chloe Baggs

Chloe Baggs is the La Velocita Weekly Rider. She's one of the up and coming female riders in Victoria and is quickly making a name for herself in cycling.

We talk to Chloe about why she loves to ride.

For the month of November the La Velocita Weekly Rider is presented by Irwin Cycling Oceania. Check out their great range of wheels here.

Images - Rosie Price

Name: Chloe Baggs

Lives: Eastern Suburbs, Melbourne

Dream bike: Canyon Ulitmate Aero, fully black

Favorite local ride: I have this really short 23km loop around the hills of Park Orchards and South Warrandyte. All the roads are really quiet and it has also got around 550m of elevation that makes it a really good ride.

My current cycling goal is: At the moment i'm not entirely sure. I'd love to do some big things in the future but at the moment i'm just focusing on really enjoying the sport. 

When I am on the bike I: I usually listen to some tunes when I'm out training... so i'm usually singing really badly to myself and the unfortunate motorists and pedestrians..

How did your love for bikes come about: I started around 5 years ago when I was 13 years old through my school's cycling program. I joined a local club and coaching group. I started to get pretty good at it, and beating the boys now and again. I liked being competitive and enjoyed the thrill of it so just kept going and going!

Chloe is Sponsored by Irwin Wheels, Seight Custom and Swiftwick Sports

Chloe is Sponsored by Irwin Wheels, Seight Custom and Swiftwick Sports

Share a cycling memory: A few months back I attempted an Everesting out on the Myers Creek climb near Healesville.

A few hours in it was pitch dark, raining and absolutely freezing. Most people close to me already know i'm absolutely terrified of the dark. Climbing up the hill was bearable but descending was honestly the scariest thing I have ever done.

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On the 7th rep I was coming down at around 60km/h with completely numb hands and I couldn't see that far infront of me. I was used to seeing a few wombats running on the road, but I heard something in the trees right next to me. All of a sudden this massive deer ran into the road infront of me - antlers and all!

I completely freaked out and very nearly lost control and decked it. I got to the bottom of the descent faster than ever, purely out of fear and sat down for a good half an hour just trying to summon the courage to get back out in the dark. I eventually did after a few tears and a couple of Nutella sandwiches but it's definetly a ride I won't be forgetting anytime soon.

I love to ride because: It gives me a sense of freedom, I also feel kinda awesome on my bike

We've had a couple of requests for us to share Chloe's 23km training loop.... details below. Enjoy!