The Weekly Rider - Michael Klim

Michael Klim is the La Velocita Weekly Rider. From a massively successful career in swimming, Michael has found a new love in cycling.

Introduced to riding by some of the best cyclists at the AIS, he now rides to stay fit, healthy, socialise and challenge himself to never get dropped from the bunch!

Name: Michael Klim

Lives: Between Melbourne and Bali

Dream bike: I’m lucky because I get to ride my dream bike. I get around on the latest MCipollini RB800, SRAM red 22, Deda 35 bar and stem and Leightweight Clinchers (team rider edition) all from Trak Cycles in Adelaide.

Favourite local ride: I’m quite a bore as to the rides I choose - it really comes down to who I ride with, as for me it’s a social experience as well as something I do to keep fit. Basically I ride down Beach Road in Melbourne and it may vary from Mordialloc to Mt Eliza and back to South Yarra or we head into the hills which I really enjoy.

My current cycling goal is: I don’t really have goals for cycling I ride mainly for social reasons it’s a great way to catch up with my mates and get fit at the same time. If anything my goal is to never get dropped from the bunch!

When I am on the bike I: I feel clear headed, It's a great rush for me because it's so different from what I'm used to and for me requires a lot of concentration and focus especially when the bunch is moving quickly.

How did your love for bikes come about: I got to follow and train along side some of Australia’s best cyclists while I was at the AIS and I was always in admiration of how hard they would train. I had a number of friends involved in the O2 Networks Cycling team, they were kind enough to invite me to ride with them and ever since I got out there 6-7 years ago I've had the bug.

Share a cycling memory: In my fist ever Amy Gillett ride a few years ago I was having a tough day trying to stick to the leading bunch. Toward the latter part of the ride there was a significant incline. I started to lose touch with the riders until I had a fella in red and a redhead drop back to push me up the hill and back to the bunch.

Those guys were Cadel Evans and Stuart O’Grady, legends of the sport whom I both admire and it was great how normal and helpful they were.

I love to ride because: It is quite removed from what I used to do as an athlete, not only is it a challenge but it’s a great way to stay fit and socialise at the same time!!! The feeling of riding in a bunch at 50Km/h is a rush and is also very addictive.