
The Weekly Rider - Wayne Schwass

It makes me happy. Cycling is such an important part of my life for many reasons, its a great passion of mine. If I'm not thinking about my family I'm thinking about my next ride...

The Weekly Rider - Wayne Schwass

The Weekly Rider - Sam Gartner

Super Sam Speilberg is the Weekly Rider! At 42 and with two ridiculously good looking kids Sam is an Engineer working for the world’s largest construction materials company, he does so in order to fill in the time between what’s most important... riding and drinking coffee!

With the motto, “Remember, we are going to Hell and back so you better bring your sunscreen” it's clear he loves to ride.

The Weekly Rider - Sam Gartner

The Weekly Rider - Brett Davis

Brett Davis is the Weekly Rider!  He's a bus driver so does a lot of sitting around on the job Golf was Brett’s 'escape' until he saw the light and jumped onto a road bike in 2014 and has never looked back.