The Weekly Rider - Amber Johnson

Amber Johnson is the Weekly Rider! She's a Lover of hypotheticals, riding her bike, a quality pun, lifting heavy things and having a laugh with good mates.

Amber is a strength and conditioning coach and owner at First Wave Fitness. She specialises in functional movement and is a contributor to

We talk to Amber about why she loves to ride...

The Weekly Rider - Amber Johnson

La Velocita Weekly Rider – Kate Perry

Kate Perry is the La Velocita Weekly Rider. Kate has had some great recent success, taking out the Northern Suburbs Three Day Tour and other big events. 

It's all down to hard work, goals and a passion for getting on the bike. We speak with Kate about why she loves to ride.

La Velocita Weekly Rider – Kate Perry

The Weekly Rider - Shane Miller

Shane Miller is the La Velocita Weekly Rider! With a list of cycling achievements longer than your arm and fresh off the back of taking out the stage 1 TT win in the Tour of the South West La Velocita's Mike Boudrie spoke to Shane about why he loves to ride.

The Weekly Rider - Shane Miller