

'Why?’ that’s a lot harder to answer. A LOT harder. It’s my least favourite question to be asked. It’s a harder to answer, and the answer takes longer to get to. The answer is bloody good though, I wouldn’t pay the physical and mental tolls that I do if the reward was not high. 


Cyclist forgets Garmin, phone, realises he hates riding bikes

A Melbourne cyclist has experienced an existential crisis after forgetting any way to tell the internet that he went for a bike ride.

Cyclist forgets Garmin, phone, realises he hates riding bikes

Dads and DINKS - Grit Vs Fit

Riding hard and long (ha, phrasing…) requires a lot of fitness, and mental toughness. It’s not really a surprise to say this, and having a deficit in either category will leave you short of your goal.

Dads and DINKS - Grit Vs Fit