World Everesting Project - Saint Gotthard Pass

A combination of spectacular scenery, challenging climbing and an seemingly endless supply of switchbacks combined with the challenge of climbing over 8km of cobbles makes it a must ride climb. 

This is one of Switzerland’s most prestigious and difficult climbs featuring regularly in the Tour de Suisse.

Brendan Edwards takes a look at Dave Edwards fourth Everesting attempt in little over a week. He's on lap 2 right now so show your support on the With All I Have Facebook Page HERE

Image by Warrenski

Image by Warrenski

Climb Stats

Distance:  11.8km
Average Gradient: 7.5%
Elevation gain:  897 metres
Surface: Sealed/Cobblestone

Link to the Strava segment here:

Saint Gotthard Pass is located 66 km south-east of Switzerland.  With a summit at 2,106 metres, the Gotthard Pass is one of the highest mountain passes of the Alps and for centuries been one of the busiest routes linking south and the north of Switzerland side of the Alps.  The first road over the pass was opened in 1830 and named after a chapel erected about 1300 in honor of Saint Gotthard, bishop of Hildesheim. 

This climb offers some truly stunning views, and is well known for its collection of hairpins with the final 8 kilometers on Cobbles, and has been known as the Roobaix of climbing. If you suffer from Vertigo, a word of warning... don’t try this climb.  There are some pretty impressive drops over the side of the road that you won’t want to test your tumbling skills on.


This is one of those climbs which no matter how hard it seems at the start, you don’t start earning your coin till you hit the cobbles.  The cobbles will shake you to the core, and  will use some physical effort to absorb the shock its putting on your body.  You’re unlikely to see the impressive viewsas you’re paying close attention to the road, as you try to pick the 'least' bumpiest route across the road. Check out the YouTube clip below for what to expect from the cobblestones.

Once over the top your legs will thank you.  This is one of those climbs you’ll wonder how you got up.  Since you’ve put in the hard yards you may as well enjoy yourself.  There is some great scenery nearby if you wanted to visit any of the three small lakes, or take a photo of your bike next to the monument to Adrien Guex, a Swiss pilot who crashed nearby in 1927.  There are some great restaurants & Cafe’s, or you can pay a visit to the Gotthard Museum.  Its a lovely spot to visit.

Sadly Dave is unlikely to get involved in much 'touristing', he'll be focusing on getting through the 10 repeats of this beast.