Lori Hill

Are Low Carbohydrate, High Fat Diets the optimal nutrition plan for cyclists?

Are Low Carbohydrate/High Fat diets (LCHF) just another gimmick with little scientific evidence to support the growing number of anecdotal claims? La Velocita's Lori Hill investigates.

Are Low Carbohydrate, High Fat Diets the optimal nutrition plan for cyclists?

Using Carbohydrates to Fuel Endurance Sport

Whether you’re saddling up for a stage of the tour or rolling out with your mates for 100km, fuelling for performance is crucial. Yet despite the many advancements in the area of sports science and nutrition, the two most common questions I get asked are ‘how should I prepare for a big race?’ and ‘what should I eat on the bike?’

Using Carbohydrates to Fuel Endurance Sport